Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Internet Revolution

Happy new year to everybody. Just a short time ago I was reading a news story on how at the turn of the last century we in Chicago had eleven daily newspapers and now there are only two! The Sun Times and the Tribune have both fallen on hard times and one of them might go bankrupt by the end of the year. One of the reasons for this happening is the way that people are getting their news these days, on line. Is there any aspect of our lives that is not being changed by the invention of the Internet?

A great example of this is how people work. My Grandfather had one job in his life which he got when he was 17. He retired with this company after 47 years of service! I think that people are finally beginning to realize that those days are gone forever and that the Internet is primarily responsible for this. I personally remember how we lived back in the 1960's and it is really amazing. Everything from the way we work, to the way we shop, to the way we get our news. to the way we meet people has gone though profound changes. This, I believe is only the beginning.

As revolutionary as most people think the Internet is, I think the true impact of it on our society is grossly under appreciated. In my opinion the Internet is one of the most important inventions of all time. The Internet is making potential business owners out of everybody and has effectively leveled the playing field of the business landscape all over the world. The global economy is a reality that America must face. It is coming down to one fact. Either learn it or be left behind.

Will the nine to five job soon become obsolete? It sounds like a ridiculous notion but is it really so far fetched? More and more services are being replaced by doing them on line. Just think about what is going to be possible say fifteen to twenty years from now! I hope that I have given people something to think about. Please visit one of my other blogs for more on this at Again, peace and happy holidays.

Don (reddog63)

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